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Save Santa Barbara Steelhead Campaign

Steelhead - Santa Barbara Region
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Santa Barbara Flyfishers is spearheading a long-term effort to restore Southern California Steelhead to our region. The goal is to save these fish from extinction!

Southern California Steelhead are sea-run rainbow trout & anadromous, meaning they are born in freshwater streams, migrate to the ocean to mature, and return to fresh water to spawn. These fish need the environmental assets we humans use - ocean, rivers, watersheds.

Once abundant in the Santa Ynez River and local streams, their populations have plummeted

•Historical numbers in the 10,000-30,000 range of adult fish annually. Today - under 20

•They are in trouble, and we can save them

The Chumash Indians had a deep cultural and spiritual connection to Isha’kowoch (Chumash for Southern California Steelhead).

•Until the 1950’s, the Santa Ynez River was renowned for its steelhead fishing, both for the Chumash Indians and settlers, with large fish reaching 20 pounds or more

Join us for a day to learn what you can do to help save Santa Barbara Steelhead. We will:

•Raise awareness about the critical state of Southern California Steelhead.

•Educate residents on the fish’s historical and cultural importance.

•Inform the community about actions needed to save them.

•Encourage active participation in restoration efforts.

A free Town Hall Gathering at the Lobero Theater starting at 1 p.m. on March 9th will kick off the campaign.

Experts to speak:

•Santa Ynez Band, Chumash Indians, Cultural Director

•California Trout, Regional Project Director

•Cachuma Board, lead fisheries Biologist

•Calif Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, lead fishery Biologist for Southern Steelhead

•Santa Barbara Channelkeeper, Policy Associate

•Environmental Defense Center, Watershed Program Director

•Santa Barbara Flyfishers, Conservation Chair

•Koehler Winery (fish passage project location), Winery Manager

Two 15-minute sessions of Q&As from the audience.

Join us to make the difference to keep our Santa Barbara Steelhead alive.

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